Vacation Knitting, decisions.....decisions......
Well the boys and I off next week the to beach, hon!! OC Baby!!! We are looking forward to this, as it will be a first REAL vacation in years.
In my delusional mind it will be a wonderful, restful, and peaceful week. Again I want to reiterate that I am delusional, I am going down w/ 7 other families, which equates to 11 adults and 8 children*.
I am however carefully planning what knitting to pack. I believe I have narrowed it down to three projects: 1) my 1st sock project. As I mention a while back, I belong to Joslyn's Fiber Farm's Sock Club. Oh the fiber! Oh the patterns! Mailed on a monthly basis and not considered a breech of my non-yarn buying agreement due to the fact I belonged to this club long before I decided I needed to chill out with the yarn acquisition. : ) Since I've been receiving this little bit of goodness in the mail monthly since January 2005, I thought it was time I actually made a sock; maybe two! :)
My second project will be Via diagonale. I have some lovely Manos in a fuchsia and lime green. I started this project a few months and ago but frogged it due to screwing up the pattern. I'm hoping I'll have this completed upon my return, as it would be cool to come back to work showing off my new bag. I'm also hoping to clarify with Wendy exactly what product she bought accidentally giving her bag such serious support.
Lastly, project #3 will be Knitty's Branching Out. If you remember, I was desperate a few weeks back and acquired some Silky Wool to jump on the lace bandwagon.
Life just keeps getting in the way of my knitting. Hopefully I'll also come home w/ a cool pair of socks (or at least one, I'd be happy with one; I mean it's a start) and a wonderful scarf to go with my new bag.
*Please note the children do not out number the adults but in the long run I truly believe the adults will NOT be victorious. The little people will persevere, hell they have more energy why wouldn't they!!!!
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