Four more days..........mad knitting rush
Started my sister's scarf last night. Hmmm, did I mention it was a Christmas gift? Did I also mention that I still need to knit one for my mother? I'm using the brown/cream-variegated mohair and ribbon I won off of ebay w/ a purl yo stitch on size 19 US needles. The mohair seems skinny so I doubled stranded it w/ the ribbon which is skinner than the ribbon I used for my scarf. It is turning out nice but I really like mine the best. There is a definite difference in the mohair and I think that is what is just not working for me + the skinny ribbon. Get new yarn/ribbon, you say. I thought about purchasing new yarn and/or ribbon but decided to muddle through these scarves with what I had. There is nothing else this yarn is suitable for and this way I can get it knitted up and out the door so I don't have to look at it anymore. **Mental Note: Unless you know the exact manufacturer, brand, and weight of yarn you want, do not buy yarn off of ebay again**.